Secure brands and market them professionally
A clear brand strategy is a prerequisite for the company's success. We analyze how your brand can be effectively positioned in the market. Once decisions have been made in the team, they must also be implemented - target-oriented and understandable for everyone involved. As a neutral consultant, we accompany you on the path to successful brand positioning.
Logo development
A good logo alone does not make a brand. Only the content and the positioning with the service or the respective product bring the targeted first step. A trademark entry in the national or international trademark register should be the second step.We advise you on all the necessary steps for successful marketing.
Logos - Brands - Franchise -> here is a small selection:
Merchandising - international licensing A selection of the top licensing topics that the owner Wolfgang Schmidt has been able to successfully market in licensing & merchandising for various corporations (including Hasbro, Warner Brothers, Universal, Fox, Lucas etc.) over the past 30 years: